Actor’s Blog – raises a question about timing

Talking today about the point at which the actor should bring in their next line after the character before them has spoken: 

I have found the temptation shown by many is to be polite – to let the actor speaking before you finish their sentence before bringing in their line, or leaving pauses between lines to heighten what you or the other actor says, perhaps for dramatic effect. 

Does this however chop up dialogue and give the text less “flow”? Are the audience moving ahead of the play because in reality, when we understand a colleague’s thoughts, we tend to cut in anyway? Or, is it more important that each line is given its due weight and deference? Is there room for more overlapping dialogue in plays, or does it spoil it?  Does it sound natural, as we tend to talk over each other in normal conversations, so why do we wait? 

What are your thoughts, do you agree or disagree?

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